Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Being in the right place at the right time....

My luck strikes!! in the absense from blogging I have been hard at work looking for job opportunities, as a recent graduate it naturally is not the easiest task in the world. As other fashion grads could proberly agree most jobs require '1-2 years experience' of course fresh faced out of university its not the easiest position to get that experience opportunity just an absolute ambition to get my new learning curve rolling in the industry and to grasp that dream opportunity. Being susperstitious I believe a lot in fate. If it was meant to be it will be.
Whether this is every 'fashionistas' dream but I want to go into designer rather than high street. I want to learn from the best and be apart of the best and of course opportunities with designers dont come round very frequently. So to appreciate the moment so far call backs is the most excitement I need to wait for.
Fingers crossed!