As my project has now come to its ending I've been looking through all my research which seems like I started so long ago now from the first post where I was looking at Nikki Farquharson's mixed media girls prints to where I got now. In relation I did end up presenting an illustrator to feature in Focus Magazine so I can see how every step has counted. It felt like such a relief finishing my exhibit space but also still a little scarey. It has been really enjoyable yet strenuous and has been very different working independantly compared to previous group projects.
This last year I feel has really help define an area which I would like to pursue and develop into my first steps into a career. The whole focus I have had on online retailing has been really interesting and is an area I hope to develop further. I believe I have acquired new skills concerning consumer groups and diffrentiating brands to their consumer as I wasnt aware of the extend how differently you approach the consumer online to how you do physically in a store. I have really foreseen ways in how retailers approach their customers and most importantly what effect this has. I have come across brands who have done it wrong, some who are very good and some I can predict to a certain extent which will last and ones that wont. Consumer insight is such an important aspect and has really supported and pushed areas of my final project. With all the consumer insight and consumer trends I have been investigating, it has really made me realise which brands are listening to what they want and the ones that are not so much.
Sketchbook hand in is Monday, all that will be left is my portfolio refinement. I'm actually looking forward in presenting this final work in my portfolio and hope others will enjoy what I have created.